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Your Community

Recent engagement has highlighted the community members are unaware of how to be more involved in their local community in relation to having their say. 

  • We want to hear what would be the best way to promote opportunities to you?
  • What would encourage you to be more involved
  • What barriers exist in relation to having your say!


For more information on what is on in Inverclyde, please visit Inverclyde Life: Inverclyde Life

Community Councils

What is the role of Community Councils:

What is a Community Council? | Community Council (

Community Councils in Inverclyde: 

Community Councils - Inverclyde Council

Have Your Say! (20)

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  • B

    I did the survey with a group of young people from Clydeview Academy & this is what they fed back:
    YP are sick of surveys and consultations & would much rather have a conversation or discussion.
    Young people would speak to their youth worker to create change and have their say.
    Young people would also speak to their MSYP.

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