Have your Say!
Have your Say!
This year, Port Glasgow celebrates its 250th anniversary. Inverclyde Council will be coordinating a range of projects to mark this - businesses, organisations and communities alike are also encouraged to get involved in commemorating this milestone with activities and events.
We have a list of project proposals for you to vote on and show your support for which ideas you would like to see taken forwards – please give us your feedback by Friday 31 January.
To have your say
- Click the below link
- Click on each proposal to find out more information, please leave a comment in the comments section.
- Click the support button, if you wish to support the specific proposal
- You can show your support to more than one of the above proposals, by repeating the above process.
There is also an option to make an alternative proposal, to do this, select "Community Ideas Forum", tell us about your proposal in the comments section and don't forget to select the support button.
You can also view other community members proposals, like or dislike the proposal and leave feedback by replying to the comment.
Digital support is available at any library across Inverclyde, and you also have the option to provide your feedback using a paper form.
Click here to Have Your Say!
Port Glasgow 250: Have Your Say!
Budget investments' proposals located geographically
Finished participatory budgets
Warm Spaces Fund 2024/25
Inverclyde Meliora Community Fund 2022
In this section you have the opportunity to have your say and take part in participatory budgeting
With the participatory budgets the citizens decide to which projects is destined a part of the budget.