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Your Community

Recent engagement has highlighted the community members are unaware of how to be more involved in their local community in relation to having their say. 

  • We want to hear what would be the best way to promote opportunities to you?
  • What would encourage you to be more involved
  • What barriers exist in relation to having your say!


For more information on what is on in Inverclyde, please visit Inverclyde Life: Inverclyde Life

Community Councils

What is the role of Community Councils:

What is a Community Council? | Community Council (

Community Councils in Inverclyde: 

Community Councils - Inverclyde Council

Have Your Say! (20)

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  • I

    Mount Kirk 14/02/2025
    - I am retired and not particularly looking to get involved in any more opportunities other than my church work. Removing the free swimming at the pools does not put the council in a good light.

    - There’s more than plenty of groups that offer wellbeing activities in Greenock, they just need to be well advertised. Greenock people moan that there is nothing there, but you must be willing to put the effort in and look.

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      • C

        Feedback from participant at Recovery Cafe in Auchmountain Hall:
        Better use of social media, newspaper, information flyers and word of mouth.
        I'm encouraged to participate. Current job is as a result of previous volunteering. Boredom is a killer and reward for volunteering needs to be better promoted.
        There's frustration when folk are asked for their views, but comments either don't get passed on or no action is taken. That stops folk wanting to take part.

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        • C

          Feedback from participant at Recovery Café at Auchmountain Hall:
          Public transport needs to provide better communication with joined up thinking. If services are cancelled, alternative details need to be provided more clearly.
          Buses finish too early
          There should be wider opportunities that are often only available to posh people, like learning to play the bagpipes
          Due to involvement with Your Voice, I feel my voice is always heard.

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          • I

            Feedback 23.01.2025
            I feel there is nothing for kids leaving school. There is not enough courses that is suitable for what people want / need.

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            • I

              Parklea Branching Out feedback 23.01.2025
              Social media is great for promoting community activities, I feel there are good options for people during the day, but not as many at night. A lot of people in winter don't like going out in the evening specially when its dark.

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              • I

                Parklea Branching Out feedback 23.01.2025
                I am well informed of activities and if I wish it can be arranged to attend clubs etc.
                I prefer routine to be kept the same.

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                • I

                  Parklea Branching Out feedback 23.01.2025
                  Go into workplaces, schools, and colleges to gather public opinion.

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                  • I

                    Auchmountain Community Resource Centre 3/12/24
                    Advertising: Flyers about town, community groups advertising, Health centre’s.

                    I feel the community never know what is going on within the community.

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                    • I

                      Auchmountain Community Resource Centre 3/12/2024
                      - I think I would like to see more spokespeople for each local community (each locality and not just the community councils) For example: Dubbs road, Oransay, Gibshill etc to speak on behalf of their local area.

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