Consultation process
Port Glasgow Community ConversationYour Community
Recent engagement has highlighted the community members are unaware of how to be more involved in their local community in relation to having their say.
- We want to hear what would be the best way to promote opportunities to you?
- What would encourage you to be more involved
- What barriers exist in relation to having your say!
For more information on what is on in Inverclyde, please visit Inverclyde Life: Inverclyde Life
Community Councils
What is the role of Community Councils:
What is a Community Council? | Community Council (
Community Councils in Inverclyde:
Community Councils - Inverclyde Council
Our Port Glasgow West Community Council, cover all neighbourhoods to the right/West of Clune Brae , Dubbs Road, and Montrose Avenue. All neighbourhoods to the left are Port Glasgow east Community Council. Our Public Meetings, are held in the Port Glasgow Town Hall on the last Monday of each month (except July and dec holiday months. Our next meeting will be at 7.00pm next Monday, 25th November. Come along early (we will be in from 6.30pm) and we can have a chat about any issues affecting you, or your family: Have you got issues with any Service Agencies: Inverclyde Council; Scottish Government; Health Board, Housing Associations, and all other service providers. Come along to our meeting next Monday night, feel free to bring a friend, and listen in. As well as listening to you, we also inform our community of issues that affect them. For more information you contact us on Our next meeting will be on Monday 27th January at 7.00pm.
Dog fouling especially along boglestone ave.
Paths ways and stairs at Bridgend ave leading down to Clydeview rd badly needing maintained. Also dog fouling between Ardmore and boglestone maybe bins would help.
I feel that he top of Port Glasgow is often forgotten. The pathways between the houses are very bad and require to be tarred over and made even.
They are a disgrace, over grown grass and trees. The arear is no longer being taken care of.
Parklea Branching Out feedback 23.01.2025
I am already very invovled in my community.
I think the best way to promote would be social media, posters and this will generate word of mouth.
Organisations I already go to, tell me about the opportunities available.
Parklea Branching Out feedback 23.01.2025
The best way to promote opportunities to me would be through social media, Greenock Telegraph, and Fun nights within the community.
Parklea Branching Out 23.01.2025
Not everyone will want to spend a large amount of time reading or filing something out.
Could simplify advertisements and have both digital advertisement and some posted to addresses so the isolated individuals that aren't online or venturing out the house can be shown what's available.
Parklea Branching Out 23rd Jan 2025
A website / HUB for Inverclyde Communities, like local facebook groups - something more independent to reach a wider audience.
People / Businesses can post what is going on in the community - there should be a central platform.
The Church of Nazarene 15th Jan 2025
The best way to promote opportunities to me would be through social media such as Facebook, X, Instagram, and Tik Tok.
Church of the Nazarene 09/01/2025
Be good to have a say on local community without the community council. I currently work but i would look to get more involved with the community once i retire.
Church of the Nazarene 09/01/2025
- I think holding events within our church, like warm hands hub, fun days, film nights, Christmas fayre and other events that are all open to the community. I think as a community we could all work together more to highlight events within our community. I think probably more opportunities are needed to be promoted to younger people and families.
- Also, maybe some clubs where older people could meet socially.