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Learning in the Community

What learning opportunities do you feel are needed in Inverclyde for those who are looking to find work or progress their careers?

What learning opportunities would you like to see provided in your local community centres to help support the health and well-being of Inverclyde residents?

Local Perspective 

Inverclyde has a range of challenges which learning in the community could impact upon:

  • 18.4% of Inverclyde households are workless compared to 17.8% nationally
  • 4.1% of Inverclyde residents are unemployed compared to 3.7% national
  • Of those economically inactive 38.7% of those are long term sick compared to 32.7% in Scotland and 27.3% for the UK. 

Statistics from NOMIS Stats 2024

  • 12.2% of residents do not have a qualification compared to 8% nationally
  • 2500 people are out of work in Inverclyde 5% compared to 2.5% nationally
  • 75% of learners in ICT services are unemployed

(statistics from UK Government DWP 2020)

  • 77% of young adults can complete foundation ICT skills in Scotland compared to 87% across UK
  • 39% of adults can complete what is considered essential employment ICT skills compared to Holland which has 83% compliance

Statistics from Digital Education and Skills - A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital world - (

  • 82% of jobs in Scotland require digital skills 
  • Jobs requiring digital skills pay on average 29% more than those that do not
  • 75% of employers are finding that digital skills are a barrier to finding suitably skills employees

(Statistics from Digital Skills Workforce survey 2022)

Have Your Say! (25)

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  • I

    Parklea Branching Out feedback 23.01.2025
    NHS courses like first aid available to all would be ideal.
    There should be more literacy support
    There should be more Health and Wellbeing opportunities / classes such a yoga etc.

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    • I

      Parklea Branching Out feedback 23.01.2025
      I believe within the community we should be sensory trained, first aid trained, and intro classes around epilepsy.
      The council should do courses for confidence building and CV writing.

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      • I

        Parklea Branching Out 23.01.2025
        I think that some basic courses to give individuals CV skills and digital skills would benefit a wider audience. If the courses helped form a CV and gave people the ability to complete job application forms then more would do so.
        There is more focus on younger people getting into employment and i think more chances for older people would help reduce these statistics.

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          Parklea Branching Out 23rd Jan 25

          There should be mental health workshops

          Financial advice workshops

          Technological / digital workshops

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          • I

            The Church of Nazarene 15th Jan 2025

            I think the local libraries are always really helpful for providing courses and should continue doing this.

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              Church of the Nazarene 09/01/2025

              - I feel that i am unable to comment a lot on this topic, I have always worked, but from speaking to people who have struggled to find work, there is a need for these clubs to give the people advice and support / training to seek employment.

              - On a personal note, i am retiring from my position. So, i will be looking to try and find something new but i am unsure what is out there in Inverclyde. I think opportunities to learn how to use my skills for other positions would be useful.

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                Church of the Nazarene 09/01/2025

                - I think anywhere that can open opportunities for people to learn in the community can only be a positive thing. Learning new skills to help get into work is a great thing. I think meeting to build social skills and build friendships and gain confidence is important. Having always been fortunate to work. I am not sure how many places offering these facilities are. Inverclyde could definitely benefit from this or even have a job club to help support people into work.

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                • I

                  Church of the Nazarene 09/01/2025

                  - I do not know what is on in the community centres except for the gym.
                  - I would like to know what else is going on in the community centres as i would be interested in other activities.

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                  • I

                    Church of the Nazarene 09/01/2025

                    - I think there is adequate support such as the library and enterprise centre.

                    - I would like a community centre in Port Glasgow that has cooking classes, food share, outdoor growing space that operates similarly to Branchton Community Centre

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                    • C

                      **Responses from Port Glasgow Community Council - 25th November 2024**
                      1. There should be more opportunities such as voluntary work that does not impact someone's benefits.
                      2. I feel there should be a subsidy for working with local community groups such as paid travel.
                      3. There should be more cooking classes within Inverclyde to support vulnerable adults and young people.
                      4. I think there should be budget classes available for everyone.
                      5. There should be more learning opportunities at Youth Clubs

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